We will be:
**Grounding the foundations
**Cultivating deeper realizations of the absolute, silence and source remembering; as a foundation for all our work together. Learning how to resource the absolute/stillness for healing, transformation and self inquiry.
**Covering a deep overview of the basic principles of our work; the foundational elements of stillness, acceptance and allowance/surrender and journeying with the somatic experience.
**Learning how to work with an issue; our basic approach to healing, transformation through developing states of inner union, resourcing silence and the absolute. Learning the many ways we can explore an issue, break it down and integrate from different angles and depths.
**Re-affirming Self referral; grounding our commitment to self responsibility/empowerment whilst developing self awareness of your direct experience and specifically what is occurring for you in your inner space; with a deep inclusion of the body through the somatic experience.
**Learning Reflection technique; sharing with you our family jewel, Thessa's very simple approach to shamanic re capitulation that allows you to explore the nature of your experience in relationship to anyone or thing and heal/dissolve any separation within yourself and subject of your inquiry. This approach is essential to our more advanced work as we apply it constantly as we deepen in our explorations over time.
**Cultivating Inner Union, exploring Essence; Exploring, developing and integrating higher states of consciousness for healing and exploring the nature of essence/uniqueness and states of bliss.
**A deep & integrative introduction to Identity Work; Exploring who is having the experience, or witnessing what is occurring, towards deeper union of that sense of I or me with its source; as a pathway towards transformation/surrender of the self and cultivation of greater levels of unification. (This subject will be covered in greater depth in the intermediate group, as we explore the nature of identity in the different energy centres and at different levels of being).